

Critical components temperature and vibration measurement in industry

Solutions > Industry


In the production it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition and quality of lubrication of bearings of responsible units. If they are not lubricated enough, they can fail, because under load the temperature and vibration frequency increases. And stopping equipment for repairs, buying bearings and replacing parts is very expensive for companies. We will tell you about an example of building an IoT network at a factory for the production of cardboard packaging, where the Internet of Things was built a system for collecting data from sensors to measure the vibration of equipment.

Initially, the factory specialists independently inspected the machines and determined in which places it is necessary to control the operation of the bearings, as well as set the optimal and critical values ​​for measuring temperature and vibration frequency. The factory considered two options for data monitoring: analog and Wi-Fi sensors. For analog, it would be necessary to pull wires that could create an emergency situation in the workplace. And temperature sensors with Wi-Fi would require a constant communication channel for data transmission, which would involve frequent recharging of batteries and interruptions due to industrial interference.


LoRaWAN is a data transmission protocol that is ideal for measuring vibration and heating of industrial equipment, as such a system does not require the processing of large amounts of data. The advantages of such a network are appreciated at production plants: the installation of one LoRaWAN base station allows to cover the entire territory of the shop with a reliable connection. Ease of installation is provided by a magnetic support which fixes the sensor on the equipment, and the energy-efficient principle of work of LoRaWAN allows to work sensors some years without replacement of batteries.

LoRaWAN sensors allow to measure temperature of a winding of electric motors, temperature of bearings and vibration, on one axis or at once on three. Vibration sensors can measure both vibration velocity and vibration acceleration. The use of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies allows us to move from periodic performance measurements to continuous monitoring, significantly increasing the failure forecast horizon. Connecting to an array of data measurements of artificial intelligence systems makes the whole system even more efficient, allowing you to track long-term trends. You can read more about AIoT here.

LoRaWAN data acquisition systems have high protection against industrial narrowband interference, so data comes without loss. In addition, the iotji team can send all data to an existing SCADA system for visualization and management.

The heart of any Internet of Things (IoT) project is its software component. In the case of LoRaWAN, it is the LoRaWAN Network Server (LNS), which provides communication between sensors, actuators and base stations, as well as the transfer of information to the LoRaWAN Application Server (LAS), which is responsible for business logic. LNS – LAS communication, as a rule, works on the MQTT protocol, thus providing universality of information exchange.

To transfer information from LAS ThingsBoard PE further to SCADA with OPC UA support (for example, Siemens WinCC, Schneinder Electric EcoStruxure or OpenSCADA) the integration mechanism is used, which provides bidirectional information exchange OPC UA Server – LoRaWAN Application Server in the IIoT network of the production enterprise.


The LoRaWAN network for temperature monitoring and vibration control on production lines turned out to be very easy to deploy and connect. The ability to display data in the usual SCADA system for employees minimized the inconvenience of adapting the innovation. That is why the LoRaWAN solution may be required when reconfiguring production processes or moving equipment.

The economical principle of operation of the sensors reduces the consumption of batteries, which allows you to operate the system without maintenance for a long time.

After the installation of the LoRaWAN network, the factory is already preparing to expand the functionality of the sensors and use them to keep technical records of all energy resources with details for each unit of equipment. So the customer will be able to accurately plan their costs and form the cost of production.





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