Horses are quite sensitive and expensive animals, they require a certain level of maintenance and care, especially for elite breeds. Maintaining optimal conditions inevitably becomes a major challenge for the stable owner. Individual care of animals and control of the condition of the premises with the involvement of professional specialists also requires additional costs, both in terms of personnel costs and in terms of the costs of creating and maintaining a comfortable microclimate for horses. Air temperature, ventilation, control of open windows and doors, ammonia concentration and air humidity – all this depends on what kind of room is used for horses and how all parameters are controlled.
The iotji solution based on LoRa technology can help solve the problem and significantly improve the ability to comfortably keep horses using IoT technologies.
When ventilating the premises during the cold season, it is difficult to determine when exactly it is necessary to close the windows in the stables in order to avoid too low a temperature regime. Therefore, we suggest installing temperature sensors. If the room is heated, the same sensors will help regulate the heating system, avoiding too high temperatures, which, as you know, is the best environment for the development of various diseases in animals.
If the stables are not equipped with a functioning drainage system, and the floor is unpaved, LoRa sensors for monitoring air humidity, ammonia, methane and carbon dioxide concentration in it will become an integral part of iotji’s IoT solution. With their help, staff will be able to quickly clean the stables and keep the premises at an appropriate level.
To avoid problems with inappropriately open windows, you can install sensors that send messages about the “open / closed” status. The signal from all sensors is transmitted over the 868 MHz radio channel to the base station with the LoRaWAN protocol, and from there to the server for processing. All data is visualized on a computer or on a mobile device of staff, providing a complete picture of monitoring conditions in the stables.
Temperature control in stables is fundamentally changing the way staff work to maintain optimal conditions for their horses. Firstly, you can boldly heat the room in winter: drinking water stops freezing, horses drink more willingly and the risks of catching a cold become less; there is no need to leave animals under the blanket overnight, which prevents sweating and skin diseases. Secondly, temperature sensors and window open / close sensors make it possible to quickly localize drafts, which are so undesirable for horses. Thirdly, in the presence of devices for measuring the level of ammonia concentration, the staff is more optimally suited to planning the complex cleaning of premises, which also has a positive effect on the health of pets.
The most important consideration in building a LoRaWAN stable sensor network is the absence of wires – they run on batteries and transmit data by radio, so horses do not run the risk of snagging wires and damaging the system.